Archive for May, 2013
Puget Sound
by admin on May.22, 2013, under 2013, Travel
Port Orchard, Washington
Trails, camping, waterfront and pollution. Port Orchard is a beautiful place, but industry and ignorance is destroying the marine life. I grew up in the outskirts of Port Orchard, on Glenwood Road, away from the marina. I used to walk in the woods and sing to myself. I was 22 when I left for Las Vegas and I would return every year for a visit. In the end of 2012, Dutch and I decided to live in Port Orchard for a time. October is a cold month, and we had plenty of rainy days, but there is nothing like the life which encompasses you everywhere in Port Orchard. My dog, June loves it here. She has a particular fondness of the trees in our front yard. Every morning when I let June out, she jumps into the yard and hops in the trees.
After the winter months, the Puget Sound is exhilarating. But I would not dare to fish or swim. Over the past 30 years there has been a decline in forage fish, salmon, bottom fish, porpoises, orcas and other aquatic life indigenous to the area.
What’s happened?
Progress. Industry. Lack of awareness.
14 million pounds of toxic chemicals enter the Puget Sound waters every year. I don’t know about you, but I want to be able to fish and dig up clam without worrying about the toxins entering my body.
It is not entirely industries fault. We need to take responsibility for the pollution we add to the environment by learning how to manage waste products.
More than 60% of water pollution comes from things like cars leaking oil, fertilizers, pesticides, failing septic tanks, pet waste and fuel spill from boats.
Chemical or synthetic fertilizer can wash into storm drains when it rains resulting in high levels of phosphorous and ammonia in our creeks, streams and lakes. The oil leaking from your car and the dog waste you decided not to clean up, also becomes washed into the local water ways which eventually flow to the Puget Sound.
Lawn Care
High level of phosphorous and ammonia can cause dead zones, algae blooms, and harm marine life.
My brother, Richard has one of the most well groomed yards in Port Orchard. Every sunny day he is off work, he is riding lawn mower or tending his garden. Taking care of a yard as big as the one he has, is a passion. He is constantly learning about better ways to maintain his yard organically.
The first step in having a natural yard is to build a healthy soil. Use compost, mulch and apply organic fertilizers. Know which plants are right for your area. Water you yard smart and learn about pesticide alternative. Learn more about your lawn.
The Problem with Poop.
The first month Dutch and I moved into our new home we were greeting by several curious neighbors, some baring gifts from their recent harvest since it was October. One morning while I let June out into the yard to do her daily jump a neighbor with her two dogs and boyfriend came wandering over. One of the dogs was huge while the other about the size of my own dog. We indulged in small talk as the larger of the two dogs took a gigantic shit. I acted as though it wasn’t happening as the young lady held the leash and continued speaking of her current employment at the local Goodwill. I smiled and watched as her own boyfriend was edging up the hill with the smaller dog to leave. Not only did she not pick up her dog’s defecation, the boyfriend had no interest in being at all chivalrous. In my front yard, right by the storm drain, they left the biggest monstrosity of doggie-doo-doo I had ever seen. Sigh. Needless to say, my courageous boyfriend took on the amazing feat and vanquished the mess.
I am shocked at the lack of courtesy some people have.
200 tons of pet waste is deposited in the Puget Sound EVERY DAY. Even when you leave it in your yard you still have raw sewage and bacteria entering the storm drains. Did you know the as the poop ages in your yard, parasites become more infectious? Not only are you helping the environment when you dispose of pet waste properly, but you are also keeping you and your pet healthy.
Protect the Puget Sound from pollution. Pollution from storm drain does not get treated. Don’t wash your car in the street, wash on grass and gravel or better yet, take your car to a car wash. Fix all your car’s leaks. Throw all of your garbage properly. Recycle all you can.
Unfortunately, pollution isn’t synonymous with the Puget Sound. Our oceans are being killed everyday. The next time you can do a little something to help the environment by practicing smart habits.
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